Olá, nossos projetos anteriores estão em pausa, houveram problemas técnicos e devido a isso tivemos que pausar e teremos que refaze-los no futuro. Devido a isso e a diversos problemas que tivemos durante a pandemia, decidimos pausa-los e retomar no futuro quando nos sentimos melhor. Pedimos desculpas, isso não irá acontecer novamente. Estamos trabalhando em novos projetos e retornaremos quando tivermos um bom progresso neles. Obrigada por todo apoio.
Hello, our previous projects are on pause, there were technical problems and due to that we had to pause and we will have to redo them in the future. Due to this and various issues we have had during the pandemic, we have discussed pausing them and resuming in the future when we feel better, we deeply apologize and this will not happen again. We are working on new projects and will return when we have good progress on them. Thanks for all the support.